In the popular movie Mortal Kombat, Sub-Zero would freeze his opponents by using his ability to control ice.

Unfortunately for many, your bank account may be nearing sub-zero levels, and your income is on a temporary freeze.

I want to show you how to “Kombat” these difficult times, so I am going to show you possible ways to make money during Coronavirus.

I know that was corny, but it was a fun play-on word, and i’m trying to bring some light into a dark situation. Some studies show that laughing at your pain will actually make it feel a little better.

With that being said, it is perfectly normal to have negative thoughts during these trying times.

I understand if you are feeling scared, uncertain, and overwhelmed, but I encourage you to remain hopeful that things will will get better.

Obviously, the coronavirus is a major risk right now, so make sure you take the necessary health and safety precautions before you look into doing any of this.

Let’s dive into the current opportunities that do exist.

Deliver Food

People are afraid to leave their homes due to the frightening pandemic. This means many won’t be traveling to the grocery store or local restaurants that are open.

This is a great opportunity for you if you’re looking to make some money. You can sign up for food delivery services like, DoorDash, UberEats, and Postmates.

Your health is number one, so make sure you take this serious.

Take Surveys

This one isn’t going to make you a millionaire, but every dollar counts.

Sites like Swagbucks and Opinion Outpost will actually pay you cash to fill out some surveys. The surveys usually take 5-25 minutes to complete, so if you are bored at home you should probably do this.

Instead of watching Netflix, the news, and playing video games all day, take this opportunity to improve your finances.

Sell Old Valuables Online

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

This is a perfect time to clean your house, apartment, or garage to see what old stuff you have lying around that you can potentially sell on the internet. Get rid of anything that does’t bring you immediate happiness.

You can sell items on eBay, Facebook, and Craigslist. Clean and sanitize anything you plan on selling, and as I mentioned earlier make sure you are taking necessary health precautions.

What items can you sell? I talk more about this in my article on flipping, but some popular items being sold right now are electronics, video games and weightlifting equipment.

Work at a Warehouse

Amid the crisis, some warehouses are still hiring, especially due to the uptick in online orders. Big companies such as Walmart and Amazon are seeking help right now.

This will obviously vary depending on your location, but don’t be shy to search for local warehouses that need help near you.

Tutor Online

Although kids aren’t currently hopping on the bus, school is still in session. Classes are being held online, primarily through Zoom.

Teachers have limited time with their students online everyday, but they are still giving out important assignments to complete. Some kids might need your help now more than ever.

If you’re ambitious and well versed in this field you should take advantage of this opportunity.

Check out sites like Chegg, TutorMe, and in order to monetize your knowledge.

Plan for the Future

Simply put, failing to plan is planning to fail.

Most of the world has been put on a temporary pause, so you may have had time to unplug and reflect a bit on your current situation.

First of all, I hope that you are grateful to be alive and healthy. Being bored at home right now is a lot better than the alternative.

With that being said, maybe you realized that your job isn’t that secure, and that money is a significant problem. Use this time to reevaluate your situation and decide whether or not you need to make major changes in the future.

Print out your last months bank statement, and highlight anything that you bought as a “want.” See how much money you wasted. Along with this, think about what you are going to do with your stimulus check.

Look into refinancing any type of debt you may have. There are companies offering record low interest rates, so take advantage of that.

Think about what skills you can monetize in the future and develop a plan for a future side hustle.

Nobody knows when the coronavirus mess is going to be over, but it will be over eventually. It’s not a matter of if, its just a matter of when.

Remain hopeful, continue to take the serious health precautions provided, and develop a plan to bounce back in the near future.

Boss up!

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